Tig Torches Push Button

Push button tig torches available in 9,9v,9F,17,17v,17F,18,18F,20,20F,26

Our tig torches are custom assembled to suit your needs.

Save 9% #17 Push Button Tig Welding Torch
4.4 211
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 $329.00 299 $299.00

The Metalmaster #17 Series Tig Torch, a.k.a. WP17 and SR17 features a membrane push button on off switch and is built to your own personal needs. There are many options that you are able to configure directly such as head type and torch length but we also have options for choosing the type of control connector you require. The default configuration is already chosen.

Save 6% 26 Series Tig Torch on off switch
4.4 216
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 $319.00 299 $299.00

The Metalmaster #26 Series Tig Torch, a.k.a. WP26 and SR26 has a membrane push button on off switch and is configured to your own personal needs. There are several options that you are able to configure directly. The default configuration is already chosen. Selecting options will affect the price of this product.

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Save 9% #9 Push Button Tig Welding Torch
4.4 221
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 $329.00 299 $299.00

A quality #9 Sized tig torch, the Metalmaster WP9 SR9 Series Tig Torch has a membrane push button on off switch and is configured to your own personal needs. There are several options that you are able to configure directly. The default configuration is already chosen. Selecting options will affect the price of this product.

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Save 7% 0 series water cooled Push Button Tig Welding Torch
4.4 219
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 $419.00 389 $389.00

A #20 water cooled tig torch, also known as WP20 and SR20 the Metalmaster #20 Series Tig Torch has a membrane push button on-off switch and is configured to your own personal needs. The #20 series water cooled tig torch is compact and allows high amperage use in confined spaces like it's non water cooled counterpart the #9 series torch. There are several options that you are able to configure directly. The default configuration is already chosen. Selecting options will affect the price of this product.

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#18 Water Cooled Push Button Tig Welding Torch
4.4 220
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 421 $421.00

Our #18 water cooled tig torch goes by the name of WP18 and SR18 also. Similar in size to the standard #26 torches, the Metalmaster #18 Tig Torch provides cooling by reticulated water in the head. It has a membrane push button on off switch and is configured to your own personal needs. This water cooled torch when used with a tig water cooling unit allows the removal of heat from the torch body thereby providing greater operator comfort. There are several options that you are able to configure directly. The default configuration is already chosen. Selecting options will affect the price of this product.

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